Old Wilsonians’ Association is a Registered Society that is autonomous (not a part of Wilsonia Group of Educational Institutions) started by a Group of Old Wilsonians with a view of serving the school but more importantly, society at large…. the aims and objectives of OWA are as under 

  1. To unite students who have studied at Wilsonia, from any of its branches, whether at School or College level, who have a genuine affinity to their alma mater and wish to contribute to the development of education.
  2. To offer constructive support to Educational Institutions in the form financial, advisory, professional, abstract or physical.
  3. To foster and develop programmes with a view to promote physical, mental, moral, social and spiritual advancement of all students; by providing them guidance and also helping the under privileged students with help and support.
  4. To offer services to students and staff of all Educational Institutions in such a manner that works towards the enhancement of education, learning and welfare.
  5. To bring Old Wilsonians together through events and activities, so as to build feelings of camaraderie and oneness among old students.
  6. To promote art and culture, literary events, to organize educational lectures and other such activities, also sporting events and similar activities so as to promote students of Wilsonia both past and present.
  7. To assist differently challenged students (physically and mentally impaired).
  8. To be involved in Social Work that will help in the improvement of society as a whole.
  9. To promote and support institutions engaged in the welfare and relief of the poor, handicapped, aged, orphans, widows etc. for their education and training and social welfare.
  10. To assist in promoting talented sports persons.
  11. To grant scholarships or provide financial aid to poor / meritorious / talented students.
  12. To give or establish prizes for excellence in the field of (a) Social services (b) human rights (c) Scientific development & for peace efforts.
  13. To receive any grant, donation, fee, subscription, gift, support and assistance in any form for the furtherance of the objects of the association.
  14. To exist solely for charitable purposes and not with the object of making profits.
  15. To invest money in such manner as may be decided from time to time, by the Board of Directors; however no member of the society shall have any personal claim on any moveable or immovable properties of the society or make any personal profits, whatsoever, by virtue of this membership.
  16. To work in cooperation with any other society or Association, body or institution having objectives altogether or in part similar to the objectives of the Association.

Please download the membership form from the link, and send it to us with the membership fees to become a member….