the desirable behaviour norms. Repeated acts of misconduct or dishonesty and failure to respond to disciplinary measures taken by the authorities will be considered a serious offence.
For curbing acts of misconduct the punishments will be severe and may even lead to:
a) Warning and fines, b) Suspension, c) Debarring from appearing in examinations, d) Expulsion from college.
Smoking, Drinking and Chewing of paan masala in the campus are strictly forbidden. Any student caught indulging in these activities will be severely punished.
Students are required to attend classes regularly. An attendance of minimum 75% is the University requirement.
All students will be required to qualify in the internal in house examination. Failing which, the student will not be allowed to appear in the University Examinations.
All students will be required to pay attention to their dress/ attire. B.B.A Students have a assigned Uniform, while B.Com and B.Sc Students are to follow the College Dress Code.
Parking area is available for the students but they must follow the instructions of the parking attendant there. Any vehicle left in any other area will not be the responsibility of the management and may even be impounded or confiscated.
Attending of Morning assembly is compulsory for all students and will be an opportunity for the Principal to give out general instructions and will be a time of interaction among the students and Faculty.
The campus has been and is still being beautified for your use. Any damage to the property or landscape will be severely punishable.
Writing on or defacing the classroom walls or the college premises will be severely dealt with and will be considered as an act of misconduct and duly punishable.
Due respect to college faculty and personnel of the administration will be expected from every student.
Being a Co-Educational institution decency in interaction with the opposite sex and upright moral conduct is primarily expected from every student.
All students will be divided into counseling groups and counselors will be attached to each group for dealing with your immediate problems.
For any personal, academic or administrative problem students may approach the authorities through their counselors. The Proctoral Board also works for student welfare, Acts of Eve teasing or Ragging or any form of harassment reported will be dealt with severely.
Students cannot change their course once they are enrolled (that is once they have been issued an Offer of Admission for a particular course).
Students must submit the Admission Form and all related papers, only then will the College Identity Card be issued to them and will they be permitted to attend classes.
Late Fine will be charged if fee is deposited after the Due Date. Library Fine will be charged for late submission of books.
All fees are Non Refundable and Non Transferable.
All students are advised to fill up the Admission Form carefully. Any false statements made in the forms or during the interview may lead to cancellation of admission.
The decisions of the management in all cases will be final and the consequences will not be challenged in any court of law.